We want northeast Springfield to be Springfields’ best community.
Our community needs play.
The area surrounding Praise Assembly is a play desert.
A play desert means we don’t have outdoor play spaces available and accessible for our community kids and families to be physically active.
We want to change that.
Families need a place to go to grow and to thrive. A place to have fun. A place to experience the outdoors. A place to be active together.
We want to create a…
…walking path
A mile long walking path will loop around the property, with various branches to provide variety on your walk.
Two separate playground areas will provide a variety of opportunities for fun and safe outdoor play for kids.
…community garden
Along with play and exercise, nutrition plays a huge role in health. We’ll partner to nurture the garden and share in the produce together.
Two pavilions will provide meeting spaces for families and friends to meet and share important events and celebrations.
…soccer field
A full size soccer field will provide opportunities for both team play and for pick-up games for the community.
…baseball field
A full size baseball field will provide opportunities for both team and for pick-up games for the community.
It all grows out of our heart to create a place for play.
Here’s what's happening.
We are in final preparations before breaking ground on phase 1! Once the city signs off on our plans (we are getting REALLY close), we will start the bidding process.
Here is what is included in phase 1:
Leveling the ground for the entire park
Installing all underground utilities
Building a large pavilion
Building a public restroom
Making a gravel walking path (concrete to come in future phase)
A place for community.
Call us: 417-833-3000 · Email us: [email protected]
3535 N. Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO, 65803