2024 Meeting Minutes

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2024 Annual Vision Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2024

The 2024 AVM meeting is called to order by Pastor Alan at 6:33 PM.

A quorum is present. Pastor Alan begins by explaining Roberts Rules of Order for the meeting.

Pastor Alan reflects on 2023 as a year of stretching for Praise and its staff, emphasizing that 2024 will be another year of stretching. Through this process, he believes we will see the fruitfulness of God’s work.

The 2023 AVM Minutes, prepared by Kevin King, are presented. Pastor Alan allows time for members to review the minutes.

Stephanie Peters moves to accept the 2023 AVM minutes as presented. (Stephanie Peters, Jeremiah Hembree MSP)

Election of Officers

Pastor Alan suggests moving the election of officers to this point in the meeting, prior to the presentation of the financial report. This will allow time to tally the votes and announce the results. There are no objections. Pastor Alan acknowledges the current board members and presents the list of new prospective members.

Mike Stevens moves to accept the absentee ballots. (Mike Stevens, Mike Buesking MSP)

The ballots are collected. The results will be announced later in the meeting.

Financial Reports

The 2023 Financial Report is presented by Sam Ketcher. Sam expresses gratitude to Louis Reiter for her contributions, as well as to Arlene Wallace and Kim Roberts for their weekly help with counting the offerings.

Time is given for members to review the report and ask questions.

Key points:

  • Total income: $1.3 million (including designated offerings)

  • Total expenses: $1.2 million

  • Park development expenses: $383,041 (for the pavilion, walking path, and related projects)

  • Operating income (excluding park expenses): $143,000

No funds were pulled from reserves as initially anticipated.

Jeremiah Hembree moves to accept the 2023 financial report as presented. (Jeremiah Hembree, Lance Callahan MSP)

Election of Officers

The ballots have been tallied for the election. Caleb Bunch, Emmanuel Obafemi-Ajayi, and Suzanne Jenkins have been elected.

Ministry Reports

Pastor Alan allows time for everyone to review the various ministry reports. If the congregation has any questions, they are encouraged to email the appropriate pastor. 

Park Development

Our focus this year will be on developing basketball, pickleball, and sand volleyball courts. We will be seeking donations for the playground, which has an estimated cost of $250,000. The playground giving campaign may take 1 to 2 years to complete.

The Public Grand Opening for the Northeast Community Park is scheduled for September 8, 2024.

International Ministries

Pastor Minhee Lee will serve as the pastor for International Ministries, which will be conducted in both English and Korean.

Additional Notes

Pastor Alan will continue pursuing his doctorate and will also be taking a sabbatical in 2024. The specific timeframe for the sabbatical is yet to be determined.  


Mike Stevens asks about the playground, specifically whether there will be shade over the structure to protect children from the summer heat. He also inquires about plans for the Robberson School closing and the Christmas giveaway.

Pastor Alan responds that Robberson School will close at the end of the 2024 school year. He mentions that the church will reach out to Crosslines to explore future opportunities for involvement.


Tim Strathdee moves to adjourn. (Tim Strathdee, Mike Stevens MSP)

Respectfully submitted, 

Bo Phillips