Deacon Candidates


Michael Buesking

Michael Buesking is fortunate to be married to pianist Debbie Buesking—this summer marks 40 years together! Mike and Debbie have been part of Praise Assembly since 1991, when they first moved to Springfield. Mike is a Professor of Art at Evangel University, where he teaches Painting, Drawing, and Art History. The Bueskings have two children, Sam and Molly, whose families live locally, allowing them to enjoy frequent time with their five grandchildren.

Mike has taught Sunday School at Praise for several years, and Debbie serves as a pianist on the Worship Team. Mike has also served as a deacon under both Pastor Burris and Pastor Ken Fent.

Sue Hadden

Sue Hadden is a retired high school math teacher with over 25 years of experience in education. She continues to have a heart for education, tutoring and providing long-term subbing for local math teachers. She is the proud mother of two sons, Kirk and Jason, both of whom are married and have blessed Sue with five grandchildren, aged 5 to 10, who bring constant joy and energy to her life.

For the past 16 years, Sue has been a faithful member of Praise. During her time there, she has contributed to the church community in numerous ways, including serving as a greeter, volunteering in the church office, and participating in the Seniors Leadership and Widowed/Single Ladies groups. 

Heidi Hardy

Heidi Hardy and her husband, Roy, will celebrate 33 years of marriage this year. They have two adult children, Deidre and Roy Jr., one daughter-in-love, Morgan, and a 3-year-old granddaughter, Rogan. Heidi also has 25+ chickens, a cat, two goldendoodle grand-dogs, and one grand bunny. Heidi is the Principal’s Administrative Assistant at Glendale High School, where she just celebrated 19 years with SPS. Roy coaches soccer and basketball at Hillcrest High School.

Roy and Heidi have attended Praise for 8 years. Together, they have taught 5-year-old Sunday School and Young Married Couples Sunday School, served on the worship and prayer teams, led Small Groups, and greeted at the door. Heidi is also an online greeter for Praise’s YouTube Live service, and Roy serves on the NE Community Park Committee.